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Idaho Innovation Week Events

Fun and informative!

Idaho Innovation Week 2023
is coming 9/21 to 9/30/2023
Launch events are happening NOW!
2023 Title Sponsor
[areaname] Innovation Week Events
Fun and informative!
From 9/21 to 9/30/2023
2023 Title Sponsor
Launch events are NOW!
Idaho Innovation Week Interviews 2023
An event video trailer will be available soon!
7:00AM to 5:00PM
In March of 2023, Oviture conducted over thirty (30) interviews of Idaho Innovators, as a part of the Buy Idaho Capitol Show. Interviewees were from all over Idaho.

Each interviewee was asked the same three (3) questions...

What's the biggest challenge facing Idaho?
What is YOUR business doing that is innovative?
Can you tell us about another Idaho Innovator you admire?

We had a GREAT time, and more importantly, we learned alot. So we've decided to continue the interviews. On Thursday 9/28/2023, we'll be conducting some very fun (and unusual) InnoViews (that's what we call an interview!). We'll livestream of course. More information soon!
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  • People
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Idaho Innovation Week Interviews 2023
An event video trailer will be available soon!
7:00AM to 5:00PM
In March of 2023, Oviture conducted over thirty (30) interviews of Idaho Innovators, as a part of the Buy Idaho Capitol Show. Interviewees were from all over Idaho.

Each interviewee was asked the same three (3) questions...

What's the biggest challenge facing Idaho?
What is YOUR business doing that is innovative?
Can you tell us about another Idaho Innovator you admire?

We had a GREAT time, and more importantly, we learned alot. So we've decided to continue the interviews. On Thursday 9/28/2023, we'll be conducting some very fun (and unusual) InnoViews (that's what we call an interview!). We'll livestream of course. More information soon!
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